All applications must be submitted online through camp minder - Click on the link above
The philosophy of Camp Carolina centres around the simplicity of life, importance of self-reliance, value of human relations, wonders of nature, respect for property and resources, and the challenge of high adventure.
Our purpose is to make a boy’s summer a valuable factor in his complete development. This can be accomplished through recruiting the right staff who have plenty of enthusiasm, determination, and strong moral values. We need counselors who can rise to the challenge of ‘PUTTING THE KIDS FIRST’.
Our goals are to promote self-confidence and develop character, to create community living skills, independence, lasting friendships and competency and sportsmanship. We achieve this by providing campers with challenging experiences, adventure and on-going social interaction in a safe camp community. We have a commitment to parents for their sons, physical & emotional development, welfare, and safety. We achieve this by offering qualified staff and ensuring safe facilities.
The counselor’s task is to be a warm friend, a willing guide and a director of positive energies. Your example as a counselor will be the primary influence on the camper whether Right or Wrong, Good or Bad. Each staff member plays an active role in the camp administration by understanding his/her responsibilities and demonstrating respect for all. This ensures the maximum experience for campers. Successful counselors are open to suggestions while striving for a common goal.
At Carolina, the most important job and the principle responsibility of a camp counselor is to be a good role model. A cabin counselor’s job is ineffective if his influence is passive. He is detrimental if his influence is negative.
Ask yourself, ‘Do I have the patience and unselfishness to give and keep giving my time and personality to young boys?’
“Send not your foolish and feeble, send me your strong and your sane.” – Robert Service, The Law of the Yukon.
It is our hope at Camp Carolina that the strong and the sane apply to become counselors. The staff has been chosen with this in mind: a good counselor is someone who possesses a mind and spirit which are prevalent over his physical prowess.