

In 1924, Camp Carolina was founded by Professor David Meade Bernard. He went on to run Camp Carolina until 1945. Back then, the boy's age groups where delineated by four tribes known as Mites, Midgets, Juniors and Seniors.

Today our tribal names are based on water lizards. Our youngest group of boys is known as Little Dragons, and from there we have the Newts, Mudpuppies (Pups), Waterdogs (Dogs), Salamanders (Manders), Mollyhuggers (Huggers), and our oldest boys are the Counselor Assistants (or CAs, for short).

cabin life


Campers are placed in cabins based on the grade they have just completed. The cabins make up our Tribes. There is a Head Counselor of each Tribe who is responsible for those boys in that age-group and their counselors. Campers usually do activities and trips with the other campers in their Tribe. Sometimes trips based on skill-level have campers from all different age groups. Campers also get a chance to visit with older or younger campers during Free Time, some Evening Programs, and in our Weekend Games.



    The Little Dragons are our youngest boys and first-time campers who participate in our Pre-Intro Sessions which are our week-long introductory sessions for campers finishing just Kindergarten or 1st Grade.


    The Newts Tribe is comprised of our youngest campers who have completed 1st to 3rd Grade. Sometimes this grade range varies based on the number of campers we have signed up in each age group. The Newts live in the cabins closest to the Dining Hall and always have 2 counselors living in their cabin, with up to 6 campers. Newts can sign up for any activity like every other Tribe, except for 3 certain trips:  Paintball, Surfing and Wakeboarding. 

    Special Events

    Who remembers their Harry Potter cabin day?! The boys were transported to the wizarding world for one Wednesday afternoon. The boys met the legendary sorting hat and were put into a Hogwarts house -- Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff, and Ravenclaw. They experienced a dark arts potion lesson, went through the Chamber of Secrets and even played in the Quidditch World Cup! Don't forget sleeping in the Grand Hall with the floating candles. It was an AWESOME day!


    The Mudpuppies, like all of our Tribes, are named after local water lizards. Also known as the 'Pups', this tribe will be all the campers who have completed 4th Grade. All Pup cabins have 2 counselors and up to 6 campers. 

    Cabin Life

    Campers will be located in Pup Valley, right in the center of camp. There is a Head Counselor in every Tribe who is responsible for those boys and their counselors. The Pups will get a chance to visit with older or younger boys during Free Time, some Evening Programs, and in our Weekend Games.


    Our "Dogs" Tribe is usually boys who have completed 4th and 5th Grades and live in Dog Valley in the center of camp, just behind the Infirmary. We always have 2 counselors living in their cabins with up to 6 campers. The Dogs Tribe can sign up for any activity, however only campers who have completed 5th Grade can sign up for Paintball, Surfing, and Wakeboarding. 

    Special Events 

    The Dog's tribe have a long-standing tradition called the 'Dog Bone'. This is an evening of self-reflection and tribe-appreciation where the boys talk about their favorite parts of camp and moments that were special to them. Each session, one camper will get awarded the 'Dog Bone' for going above and beyond to be a great friend, great camper and role model to other campers. That individual will have their name carved into the 'Dog Bone' forever. 


    The "Manders" Tribe are usually boys who have completed 6th Grade and live up on "Mander Hill". They have 2 counselors and up to 8 campers in their cabin. Boys in this tribe have no activity-restrictions and can now sign up for the double-overnight Surfing Trips down to Folly Beach, our tribal Paintball trip, and Wakeboarding. 

    Special Events 

    The final night at camp always consists of a specially planned activity, specific to each Tribe. One year the 'Manders' put on a crazy golf competition! Whilst the boys were at a Final Campfire, Head Counselor Conor turned each cabin into a different crazy golf hole. Followed by the Manders Throne ceremony, it was a great way to end the session!  


    The "Huggers" Tribe are boys who have completed 7th and 8th Grades and live on "Hugger Row". They have 2 counselors and up to 8 campers in their cabin. We strive for the boys to be good role models to the younger campers and lead the way for the 'Old Man Of The Mountain' award.

    Special Events 

    Who remembers Head Counselor Nick's creation: 'Fugitive'!? This AWESOME game spread over a week and involved the whole Tribe. Clues and prompts were discovered around Hugger Row to spark a cabin vs cabin race to find the fugitive. Each day campers had to find out which counselor was the fugitive. Was it Alfred? Was it Big Luke? Only those who could solve the puzzle know! 


    The "CAs" are boys who have completed 9th-11th grade. They are our oldest boys and not your typical camper Tribe. They also have responsibilities and are paid for their work. They do not always participate in all-camp games and competitions, but instead have CA-only special activities and trips. The CA program has its own deep-running traditions and an epic Dining Hall chant that gets everyone fired up! It is something that all campers look forward to being a part of!


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