Each year we travel the world in search of qualified, responsible, hardworking young men and women with patience and passion for working with children in an outdoor setting. Professional appearance, strong work ethic, internal motivation, and experience are essential in maintaining the reputation of our quality program with both the parents and campers. Being a positive role model for our campers is the most desired and essential component of being a Camp Carolina counselor.
We have a commitment to parents ensuring their sons' physical & emotional development, welfare, and safety. We achieve this by hiring qualified staff and ensuring safe facilities. Each staff member plays an active role in achieving Camp's goals by understanding their responsibilities and demonstrating respect for all. This ensures the maximum positive experience for campers. Successful counselors are open to feedback while striving for our common goals.
Fun, enthusiastic young people who are interested in the rewards that come from being a positive influence in a child's life. The counselor’s task is to be a warm friend, a willing guide and a director of positive energies. Your example as a counselor will be the primary influence on the camper. You will have the ability to become a CCB Legend, providing lasting memories and a guide of how to move through the world as a great person.
At Camp Carolina, we pride ourselves on being a ‘High Adventure’ Camp. We are lucky enough to be in the heart of the Blue Ridge Mountains with hundreds of waterfalls, rivers, rock faces and more that serve as our natural playground. Our aim is to find the most qualified and most enthusiastic staff that will provide our campers with an incredible experience that they can't get anywhere else.
We pride ourselves on developing young men, one way we do this is with our Counselor Assistant program.
The Counselor Assistant program gives "CAs" responsibilities and a taste of what it is like to be a counselor. Boys who have completed 9th-11th grade are eligible. Through this leadership training program, our biggest aim is to mold CA’s into fully fledged counselors by increasing their confidence, knowledge and work experience. We work hard to have a healthy balance of fun & enjoyment with responsibility & ownership.
Camp Carolina is located in the heart of the Blue Ridge Mountains, consists of 220 acres and is bordered on 3 sides by the 450,000 acres of Pisgah National Forest. We have full access to this wonderful forest under a special use permit. We have a large lake and mountain biking/horse riding trails on site.
Below are answers to the questions we get asked the most! If your question is still not answered, feel free to ask at info@campcarolina.com.
All female program staff and some male staff (Wake and Surf and Activity Heads) are called “Non Cabin Staff”. As Non Cabin Staff (NCS) you will carry out many behind the scenes/ preparation work.
If you do not hold an American passport or American work visa then you will need to utilize a staffing agency. Their role is to ensure you are a good applicant to work with children, connect you with camps and jobs, provide you with the relevant visa paperwork through US Immigration, ensure you obtain a visa and provide support through this process, ensure you are getting paid a wage they agree is fair, ensure you have insurance and that the camp is providing you with a safe experience. Most agencies provide you with a wage for a 9-week contract with a $ amount to be added on for each week over 9 weeks you work. This is the pay scale we use for each new staff member. For information about how much you will earn you will need to contact your country office directly.
Our cabins are rustic wooden cabins with a lot of history -some from 1924! They are open-air cabins with fly mesh screens and doors and a covered porch. Each cabin has 8 single beds and 8 shelves, 2 electric plugs plus, 2 ceiling lights and a fan. They will feel like home!
Every day at CCB is different but some things stay the same. During the week the all up call is at 7:45, and lights out is at 9:30 PM. Breakfast is at 8 am, Lunch is at 1PM and Dinner is at 6.30 (during the week). If you are “in camp” staff you will teach 4 periods a day with one period off for you to either relax or try something new! 'Tripping' staff will be assigned either 2x half day, full day or overnight trips. You will also help run an activity or supervise the campers in free time. All staff will help with evening programs (shaving foam battle, talent show etc). Weekends we start a little later and run whole camp games and activities which the staff are in charge of creating and running.
We have one of the highest residential camp time off policies to ensure our staff are well rested and performing at their best every day. Counselors may take one 23 hour period and one evening (5-ish hours) off each week - However, we do not take the first short leave of each session as we think it is imperative that we are there to support our campers on their first few days. We loan out camp vehicles for non-alcoholic events.
You will be living in an incredible corner of the world. Most staff choose to sleep, catch up with home, relax or try any activities you haven’t had the chance to do yet on their time off. At CCB we are based in the Blue Ridge Mountains and are surrounded by lakes, rivers, and waterfalls. Many of our staff choose to do a different activity on their day off including mountain biking, hiking, kayaking and swimming holes. We are 40 mins outside of Asheville, NC with all the things you would expect from a mid-size city.
Most staff will take part in Lifeguard training, Raft Guide or Archery, Riflery and Fencing. This way staff can be more diverse at Camp Carolina. Tripping staff will take the Wilderness First Responder class-a 10 day intensive Wilderness First Aid class. All activities have specific training and some staff may be cross-trained in other fields. All staff will go through a week-long orientation focusing on child management and safety.
The nurses are on staff 24/7 to help campers and counselors with any concerns/illnesses they have. Camp Carolina will provide over the counter medication but the counselor is required to purchase prescription medication and visits to medical staff not employed at Camp Carolina. All counselors are required to have medical insurance to work at Camp Carolina. Workers compensation is provided for any work-related injuries and is to be discussed and organized with the camp owners.
Counselors wear many hats at CCB. The main roles are being a cabin counselor and leading an activity. On top of this counselors are required to clean cabins, clean activity areas, perform basic maintenance around camp, cook food, clean and maintain vehicles, clean up after campers, set up and pack down areas of camp, help in the kitchen, collect and deliver laundry, clean the dining hall after meals etc.
We pay all staff their full summer wage on the final day of their contract. We pay you via check which you can then cash at the local bank. Several counselors set up a bank account to deposit the cash into an account. We can also provide “cash advances” during the summer of up to $40.00 a week. Counselors can expect to get paid $240-$300+ per week-this includes food, board and laundry (done weekly). First-time counselors coming through an international staffing agency can expect to get paid the wage their agency has agreed on. Staff are paid from the start of Orientation Week through their last contracted day.
Once you have been hired there may be 4-5 months until you leave for CCB. We recommend spending as much time with children as possible and practice teaching them (teaching your activity is a bonus!) Preparing yourself physically is also important. At camp, you will be walking miles every day, up and down mountains, on uneven ground as well as being active when teaching your activity. Increasing your fitness and strength will help you adjust to camp life.
We will also be sending you around 10 hours of child development specific training in March to complete. There are a lot of great recourses online to look into about being a camp counselor. We strongly suggest counselors spend time researching these and becoming comfortable with what will be expected of them.
Orientation is when we have all of our staff together for the first time of the summer. All staff will have read the Pre Manual (sent out in Spring) and will have a basic understanding of what is expected of them. Orientation covers everything we feel the staff need to know to set them up to be successful this summer. We cover behavioral issues staff are likely to encounter, medical and non-medical emergencies, health-related concerns, staff team building, staff traditions (songs, chants, blessings, meal times etc), camping out etc!
It is a jam-packed busy week where staff are busy from 7AM-10PM. We all “switch off” during O-Week and do not have access to internet apart from a few short assigned times. It is a great way to really connect with your fellow counselors and embrace the same camp experience the campers will have. The week includes hands-on activities (trips out of camp, Cabin Day, skits, scavenger hunts) as well as theory-based written work from the manual. We also provide staff with one evening and one day off during O-Week to relax and refresh themselves before the campers arrive.
Ask yourself, ‘Do I have the patience and unselfishness to give and keep giving my time and personality to young boys?’
“Send not your foolish and feeble, send me your strong and your sane.”
– Robert Service, The Law of the Yukon
It is our hope at Camp Carolina that the strong and the sane apply to become counselors. The staff has been chosen with this in mind: a good counselor is someone who possesses a mind and spirit which are prevalent over his physical prowess.