First Session, Pre-Intro Session 1
9am-11am - All Grades
Intro Session 1
10am-11am - All Grades
Main Session, Intro Session 2
9am-11am - All Grades
Intro Session 3
10am-11am - All Grades
Third Session, Intro Session 4
9am-11am - All Grades
Pre-Intro Session 2
10am-11am - All Grades
Parents! You will park, get out of your vehicle, visit your son's cabin, meet his counselor(s) and take your son to the infirmary for his health screening. After, leave your camper with the staff members back in their cabin area.
If you have multiple sons, you can arrive all together!
Pre-Intro Session 1
10am - All Pre-Intro Session 1 campers
First Session, Intro Session 1
9am - K, 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Graders
10am - 5th and 6th Graders
11am - 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th and 11th Graders
*times are based on your camper's just completed grade*
Intro Session 2
10am - All Intro Session 2 Campers
Main Session, Intro Session 3
9am - K, 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Graders
10am - 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th and 11th Graders
*times are based on your camper's just completed grade*
Intro Session 4
10am - All Intro Session 4 Campers
Third Session, Pre-Intro Session 2
9am - All 3rd Session & Pre-Intro 2 Campers
Parents! You are welcome to quickly get out of your car to hug your camper and shake their counselor's hand. While this is happening, your camper's luggage will be loaded into your car.
Closing day will NOT include parking the car, visiting cabins or walking around camp.
Siblings can depart at the same time.