Evenings & Weekends

Evening Program

Evening Programs

After an action packed day of In-Camp and Out-of-camp trips, Our campers are surprised with a creative and exciting Evening Program to round out another day in paradise at Camp Carolina! 

Our Evening Programs consist of games, contests, and more! Some nights we play twilight games like Rainbow Tag, Hotrodicus Supersonicus, or have one of our famous shaving cream battles. Every Session each camper also gets the chance to compete in the Talent Show, Tribal Song Contest, and Cabin Skit Contest. We also have our Cabin Day, Movie Night, and Campfire each week.  

Cabin Day


Cabin Day is an awesome opportunity every Wednesday to chill out with your Tribe (age group) and cabin mates. We grill hot dogs, roast s'mores, tell stories around the fire, and sleep under expertly pitched group tents, ensuring every boy experiences the great outdoors while at Camp! And as the saying goes: "It never rains on Cabin Day!"

Weekend Games

camp carolina Weekends 

Each weekend is spent at Camp Carolina playing all-camp games including games like Color Wars, Capture the Flag and Intergalactic. New games are added to our weekend line-up each year! 

Some weekends have epic events like Gold Rush, Carnival, a visit from Nature Man with all of his wonderful live animals or a Choose-Your-Own-Adventure morning where campers can sign up for clinics in areas like: photography, short-form video making, cookie baking & decorating, didgeridoo making, t-shirt tye-dying, parkour, team sports challenges and more! Different activities are on offer every time!


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