Evenings & Weekends

Evening Programs

After an action packed day of In-Camp and Out-of-Camp trips, our campers are surprised with a creative and exciting Evening Program to round out another day in paradise at Camp Carolina!  Our Evening Programs consist of games, contests, and more!  Some nights we play twilight games like Rainbow Tag, Hotrodicus Supersonicus, or have our famous shaving cream battles. Every session each camper also gets the chance to compete in the Talent Contest, Tribal Song Contest, and Cabin Skit Contest. Winners receive pizza and sodas for their cabin group as a prize! We also have our Cabin Day, Movie Night, and Campfire each week. 

As a sleep-away camp in North Carolina, our campers spend their summers gaining valuable skills and friendships during their time at Camp Carolina. Our fun and unique evening and weekend activities are a big part of the well-rounded, both traditional and progressive, Camp Carolina experience!

Boys Playing Tag

All boys have the opportunity to camp out every Wednesday night during their session. Cabin Day is an awesome opportunity to chill out with your Tribe (age group) and cabin mates. We grill hot dogs, roast s'mores, tell stories around the fire, and sleep under tarps, ensuring every boy experiences the great outdoors!

Boy sliding

Weekend Schedule

No weekend is the same here at Camp Carolina!

The weekend starts on Friday night with the very important and traditional Camp Fire. Campers grab their crazy creek chairs and paddles and head to the Camp Fire after dinner. Everyone sings rousing songs, campers share trip reports of their most exciting adventures from the week, and we're all entertained by our storytellers and singers.

Finally as it starts to get dark, the Old Man of the Mountain awards are presented. You can find out more information about this award here. Campers find Camp Fire to be a very special time. They spend it reflecting on the week they have just had and relax and sing meaningful, traditional songs with their camp buddies.

Saturday is Camper Day! Campers get to sleep in an extra hour and then hit the ground running. We take some campers out to Sliding Rock (which is a stunning, natural water slide in Pisgah Forest) for the morning and give the boys free time to slide down the rock and paddle and explore the nearby creeks. Campers that stay in camp can participate in one of the many activities that we hold including the waterfront, low ropes, climbing wall and many team sports all which offer games for the boys to compete in as teams. In the afternoon we hold whole camp games such as Commando Capers and Capture the Flag. 

Sunday the boys get another extra hour in bed and have a huge buffet breakfast to look forward to. Campers play games such as International Rules Dodge Ball and are entertained by Nature Man or one of our inspirational storytellers. The Biltmore Train (aka lots of ice cream) also comes on Sunday which is a favorite with many of the campers. It is a special treat for keeping their cabins clean all week and they get to eat as much ice cream in any flavor that they want.

Sunday afternoon is another whole camp game.  An example of a Sunday afternoon is our Gold Rush game where the boys forage all over camp in search of “gold” which is then exchanged for Carolina Dollars. They get to spend the Carolina Dollars on one of the many carnival games which include a dunk tank and an inflatable maze or spend it playing games in the Camp Carolina Saloon.

Sunday night we have a cookout of either beef or chicken burgers before having an evening spent with our tribe (age group). 


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