Our History

Family Operated

Family Operated

Alfred Thompson has been the Owner and Director of Camp Carolina since 1993. He lives on the property and operates Camp with his wife, Mary Eccles, who has been the Office Manager since 2007.

Their two children, Bren and Alfred Jr. (who grew up at camp!) also live on the property with their spouses, Alex and Emily. Bren is our Camper Resigtrar, in charge of enrollment and she is also the Assistant Manager of the Office. Alfred Jr. is our Camper Director. Alex is our Staff Director. Emily does our Bookkeeping + coordinates our Kitchen.

Together with Ec and Alfred, the four of them have been helping run Camp in various roles since 2020. 


The Thompson Family has over 100 years combined experience running a private summer camp. Boy, are we lucky to share our love of Camp Carolina together!

Since 1959 the Thompson family has been involved with Camp Carolina

In 1946, Nath Thompson (Alfred's dad) got his first summer camp job. There was a nationwide gas shortage so he set out on his 50 lb. single speed bike and rode 235 miles from Thomaston, Georgia to the mountains of Western North Carolina. With 55 cents in his pocket, he rode for 5 days. This adventure began his lifelong career and passion for summer camping.

It was his determination, love of camp and enthusiasm that has continued to be so important to his family, Camp Carolina, and the larger camp community. While many changes have happened since Nath’s first summer at camp, Camp Carolina still has one defining mission: to be a valuable factor in a boy’s compete development.

Nath + Mary 1959

In 1958 Joe McConnell, owner of Camp Carolina at the time, felt it was apparent Camp needed a full-time director and manager. Nath heard in the spring of 1959 that Camp Carolina was looking to fill the role. Nath reached Joe McConnell in Florida and after a short telephone conversation Nath and Mary were invited to Florida for an interview. Shortly thereafter he was employed and began work in May 1959.

Nath was Camp's director and general manager from 1959 – 1982. In 1982, he became co-owner and co-director of Camp Carolina alongside business partner, Gerald Stone. This was the final year that Camp was operated on the old campsite. All of the camp buildings were moved from the old camp to the current location, it was a tremendous undertaking!

The following buildings were put on sleds and pulled by tractor over the ridge (known to all as Bulldozer) to the new property in Lamb's Creek Valley: 34 cabins, the office building, the riflery range, earthworks shed, and two cook’s cabins. Altogether a total of 51 buildings were moved, each one for a total of 2 miles on sled.

Those who knew the old site feel that the new, current location is one of the prettiest spots in Western North Carolina.


In 1924 Camp Carolina was started by Professor David Meade Bernard who was Co-owner and Director of Camp Carolina from 1924 – 1945. The original property consisted of a small lake, an apple orchard, the Siniard’s home (Camp Carolina property owners at the time), a log cabin, and the farm land which became the golf course.


In 1924, Camp's first summer in operation, the 100 boys in attendance stayed in tents on wood platforms. The season started July 3rd and ended August 17th. The second summer 200 boys attended for 8 weeks and 105 for 4 weeks – a full camp! Thirty-two new cabins had been built by 1925, plus a dining hall and a gym. Activity lodges were added later.

Camp Carolina’s first newspaper was published in 1924. The paper was called the Carolina Camper. The paper stated “it was published during camp for the promotion of a unified camp spirit.” It also reported that the camp emblem was a shield that had a white “C” and a border of navy blue. The “C” stood for courage, character and consecration as well as Carolina. The 1938 newspaper said that “the John Jordan family had sent more sons to Camp Carolina than any other family.” Since that time another family has topped that record: Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hannon, Nashville, Tennessee who have sent all 5 of their sons.

Here is their remarkable record:

Tom Hannon (1969 – 1980)
John Hannon (1969 – 1978)
Dan Hannon (1970 – 1980)
Chris Hannon (1971 – 1984)
Bob Hannon (1978 – 1988)

The long standing relationship with the Hannons and Camp Carolina continues. Bob Hannon’s son, Ivey Hannon, attended his first summer here in 2008 and returned for 8 years attending our 4 week main session in July each year.

Talking Camp Carolina Blues

A history of Camp Carolina would be incomplete without something about Joe Siniard (original camp location's property owner) and his store, which was located next to the camp property. Usually one of the counselors sings a song at the last campfire entitled “Talking Camp Carolina Blues.” The last verse goes like this:

“If you want to get to heaven, everybody knows
You go to Brevard and take a left at Joe’s
You drive down the road and pretty soon
Your car gets drenched by a water balloon.
And you know you’re there – heaven – better known
As Camp Carolina.”

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