Summer 2025 is right around the corner!

Register now for 2025!

Register Online

Check out the information below to answer your questions.

Additional questions? Please email or call 828-884-2414.

  • What To Bring



    We will be offering airport pick-ups and drop-offs from Asheville Regional Airport (AVL) in Arden, NC and Greenville-Spartanburg Airport (GSP) in Greenville, SC. There is a $25.00 one-way fee for Asheville Airport (20 minutes from camp) and a $100.00 one-way fee for Greenville-Spartanburg Airport (1.5 hours from camp). 
    There is an RU Flying arrival form and an RU Flying departure form in your Camp In Touch account, under forms and documents. A form will need to be completed for each camper if you have multiple campers. The charges apply per family. 
    Arrival Information: Flights should be scheduled to arrive between 7:00 AM and NOON on Opening Day. If the flight you are booking does not land within these times, please email before booking the flight.
    Departure Information: Flights should be scheduled to leave any time before 11:00 AM on Closing Day. This time block is in the best interest of your child. Please contact before booking any flight after 11:00 AM. 
    UNACCOMPANIED MINOR FORM (UM): A camper 14 and under must have completed an Unaccompanied Minor Form. If your camper is flying one-way or round-trip, a form needs to be completed, and a fee needs to be paid to the airline for each flight when purchasing his ticket. Unaccompanied campers aged 15 or older are not required to have a UM, however, parents may choose to purchase the UM and pay the applicable fee if they choose. 
    It is Camp Carolina's policy to contact parents/guardians of our campers who are flying once the airline hands over your camper to our staff at the airport on arrival and when the plane leaves the gate on departure. Your camper is allowed to fly with a mobile phone. When he meets our staff at the airport, we will confiscate the phone and keep it in the camp office until Closing Day. If he is flying home we will make sure the phone is charged and give it to him once we get to the airport. 

    Address for ANYTHING going through the United States Post Office is:

    Camp Carolina
    P.O. Box 919,
    Brevard, NC, 28712

    *for Amazon packages, please use PO Box 919


    Address for ANYTHING going through FedEx or UPS is:

    Camp Carolina
    1 Lambs Creek Road,
    Brevard, NC, 28712

    IMPORTANT: Fireworks are against the law in North Carolina. It is against Federal Aviation Administration laws to have any kind of fireworks, matches or lighter fluid in carry-on or checked baggage. It is also against Camp rules to have any tobacco, fireworks, matches, lighters, alcohol or illegal drugs.


    We recommend $35 per week. Please do not send cash to or with campers. Send a check to the camp office where it will be deposited into the camper’s bank account, or fund your camper's bank account on CampInTouch.

    Expenditures at the Camp Store and Canteen will be debited against the camper’s account, and any money left over will be refunded; or you will be billed for any overdraft.



    Because we serve plenty of good food and daily snacks, we ask that no food, drinks, candy or gum be brought or sent to camp. Packages containing these items will not be given to your son which can be unpleasant for him and us.

    Food in the cabins is a health problem because it attracts insects and rodents.

    Packages containing books and non-electronic games are welcome. Please put your son’s cabin # on his address. Mail is delivered daily.


    Camp Gift Packs are available through Camp Pacs in Brevard.

    Call toll free 1-800-248-CAMP Website:


    While located in beautiful Brevard, North Carolina, we’re the premier boys' sleepaway camp within driving distance of Asheville. Check out these lodging options in the area!
    319 Gateway Junction Drive
    Pisgah Forest, NC 28768
    11 Boston Way
    Asheville NC 28803
    Phone: 828.505.2949
    Fax: 828.505.4042
    20% off - Book your corporate rate for Camp
    Scott & Becky Wood
    Elaine Wood
    Campbell House – A Bed & Breakfast
    Phone: 800.553.2853 
    Mention promotion ‘CAROLINA’ at Campbell House when making a reservation to automatically receive a 10% discount.
    Vacation Rental in Downtown Brevard
    22 Times Arcade
    Brevard NC 28712
    Phone: 828.553.5070
    Luxury Vacation Rentals
    Brevard NC 28712
    Phone 704.691.2131
    Email: www
    Lake Toxaway NC 28747
    Phone: 828.877.6333
    783 N. Main St. Hendersonville, NC
    Phone: 828.693.9193
    159 Osceola Road
    Hendersonville NC 28739
    Phone: 828.692.2544
    Fax: (828) 692 2519
    266 West Probart Street
    Brevard NC 28712
    Phone: 828.884.9349
    Lake Toxaway NC 28747
    Phone: 828.862.4207 
    Lake Toxaway NC 28747
    Phone: 828.966.4700
    US 64 & US 276
    Pisgah Forest NC 28768
    Phone: 828.883.4800
    Cashiers NC 28717
    Phone: 828.743.2411 
    I-26 & Airport Rd,
    Asheville NC 28732
    Phone: 828.684.1213
    2228 Asheville Hwy,
    Brevard NC 28712
    Phone: 828.862.8900
    Off US 64,
    Pisgah Forest NC 28768
    Phone: 828.877.3131
    Blue Ridge Parkway,
    Canton NC 28716
    Phone: 828.235.8228
    Open only: April 1 – October 31
    1125 Island Ford Rd.
    Brevard, NC 28712
    Phone: 828.884.7572
    400 Ray Hill Rd.
    Mills River, NC 28759
    Phone: 828.290.6080
    Brevard, NC
    Hendersonville, NC 
    Phone: 828.693.9626
    PROMO: SummerCamp20
    155 Horse Shoe Farm Drive, 
    Hendersonville, NC
    400 Meraki Lane
    Brevard, NC 28712
    Phone Number: 828-463-7440

    As camp nurses, we want to make sure that your camper enjoys his experience! Most of us are parents as well and know the importance of feeling secure when your child is in someone else’s care. 

    HEALTH FORM: Our Health Form is available on your Camp In Touch account. We require campers to have had a physical within one year of the date of their arrival. Please indicate any physical injuries your son has had since their last physical. If your son has been exposed to any disease within a period of time before Opening Day of camp, making his presence in camp an endangerment to other campers, he must delay his arrival here until the danger of contagion has passed. The camper Health Form will be due by May 1st. We will do a camper health screening with your child on Opening Day. This is your opportunity to talk to the nurses in person.

    CAMP DOCTOR: The Camp Infirmary coordinates a camp doctor visit twice weekly and a skin inspection by the nurses for each age group once a week. Some of the most common skin referrals to the infirmary are blisters, bug bites, and poison ivy. Campers needing emergency treatment will be taken to Transylvania Community Hospital. Parents will be billed for these services. Health & Accidental Insurance is required for your son while attending camp. We have 3 nurses living at our camp infirmary, with at least one on duty at all times.

    CLOSED TOE SHOES: The American Camp Nurse Association suggests closed toed shoes which have been proven to decrease slips, trips, toe injury, and falls. Sandals, even though acceptable for some activities, do not give adequate support on uneven terrain and may facilitate ankle and foot injury. The boys have daily activities in wet and dry environments. If their shoes and socks are wet and worn, they breed athlete’s foot and cause blisters. We encourage wet shoes to be dried thoroughly in the sun before use.

    MEDICATION: Our policy at Camp Carolina is that medication or over the counter remedies brought to camp will be distributed to campers via the infirmary and our nurses. We do not allow any medications, supplements or vitamins in the cabins. We work with CampMeds Inc, a pre-packaged medication program to dispense and package ALL of your child’s medication for camp. Camp families are required to register with CampMeds if your child takes any type of medicine while at camp. All pills will be dispensed and individually packaged in sealed packets labeled with your child’s name, medicine, dosage, date and time to be given. Our system ensures that each camper receives their correct medicine at the right time of day. All medication will be shipped to camp prior to your child’s arrival. Our infirmary staff will dispense all prescription and non-prescription meds taken daily or as needed. This includes vitamins and supplements.

    LICE: On Opening Day there will be screenings in order to catch head lice cases on campers before it becomes a cabin-wide problem. We have partnered with Heads Up AVL to assist with Opening Day screenings and to provide effective and professional lice treatment. If we find lice on your child on Opening Day, you will be billed $250.00 for treatment costs, which includes follow-up rechecks and an additional treatment, if required. In order to avoid these costs and your child having to miss out on any camp activities, please take the time to carefully check your camper’s hair or have their hair checked by a professional during the week prior to arriving at camp. If your camper has been exposed or treated for lice in his or her school or at home, in the past 3 months, it is very important that you let us know at the Opening Day lice screening at the infirmary.

    INFIRMARY COMMUNICATION: It is our policy to contact parents by phone if one of the following occurs while your child is at camp: your child spends the night in the infirmary, sees the camp doctor, goes to a local doctors office, goes to the Emergency Room, goes to the infirmary for the same reason multiple times.

    • We encourage you to send 2 pairs of closed toed, breathable shoes to camp. This way the shoes can be alternated, if wet.
    • Double the amount of socks you feel necessary -- preferably sports socks that wick away moisture.
    • Cut toe and finger nails as short as possible before arrival.
    • Disinfect old shoes with antifungal powders.
    • Keep in mind, laundry is done once a week for each cabin.
    • Lightweight long sleeves shirts and pants deter bug bites, sunburn, and contact with poison ivy. Our days begin cool and trips out of camp, in the mountain environment, may require skin cover.
    • Pack Bug spray and remind your child how important it is to use it.

    Remember, the infirmary staff are a mother or father to all campers! Please feel free to contact the infirmary, or the office, if you have any questions regarding the care we provide at camp keeping your kids healthy and safe.


    If letters reaching you from your son are concerning you, it's important to remember that it takes some boys longer than others to make the adjustment to the camp environment. Your son is unlikely to stop what he’s doing when he’s having fun to write a letter. Boys' only opportunity to write is during their downtime when they are most likely to think about home. Some of these letters will be classic and worth keeping to read at their weddings or graduation. Others could possibly be of a more serious nature.

    If you have any questions or concerns about your son or his experience, please call the office 828-884-2414 and we will arrange a call-back from your son's counselor or Head Counselor to give you a detailed update. 


    Label everything your son brings to camp!

    During the session, all lost and found items are sorted daily and delivered to the appropriate cabins. Labeling each item clearly with your son's first and last name ensures that your son's clothing, accessories, sports gear, toys, books etc. come back home!

    Labeling options:

    • Write clearly with a permanent marker

    • Purchase labels through Camp In Touch:

    To access this feature log in to your Camp In Touch Account. On the welcome page you will find the various colored icons. Under "Camper Application" is a green icon for "Camper Clothing Labels." Selecting this will bring up a range of labels available for purchase. 

    •Purchase labels from an independent supplier, many are available through a quick Google search!

    Items and clothing sent to camp may be lost, mildewed or borrowed and not returned. Therefore, we urge you not to go out and buy a lot of new clothing and equipment.




    There is a $1000 deposit due on enrollment, $250 of which is non-refundable.

    There is a $500 payment due October 1
    $500 payment due December 1
    $500 payment due February 1 
    and the remaining balance is due by April 1.

    If cancellation occurs before February 1st by written notice (mail or email) all but $250 will be refunded. If cancellation occurs after February 1st, there will be no refund. There is no reduction in tuition for campers arriving late or leaving early. If your camper is dismissed for violating camp rules, there will be no refund. The Director reserves the right to dismiss any camper violating camp rules or who is judged to be detrimental to the general welfare of the camp.

    A statement for each payment will be mailed to you ten days prior to due date.

    Please make checks payable to:
    Camp Carolina
    PO Box 919
    Brevard, NC 28712

    Our fee is all inclusive, except for incidentals and camp store charges. Spending money may be sent with the final payment to establish a camp bank account for each camper. We suggest $35/wk for each session. We will refund excess in camp bank or will bill you if your son is overdrawn.


    Attending camp provides an extraordinary opportunity for your camper(s) to gain self-reliance, self-confidence, and independence important to a young boy’s development. Therefore, we do not allow visitation by parents and relatives. We highly recommend that parents visit camp on Opening Day of the camp session. 

    We do not recommend requesting that close friends be assigned to the same cabin. We believe that campers experiencing Camp Carolina with independence and living with new friends encourages and supports this philosophy.

    However, we will put together two boys of the same school grade if requested by the parents of both boys. Please note that you can only have one Cabin Request per camper, and both boys must be in the same session. You can make this request by emailing Bren at


    Parents are allowed to phone their son in an emergency or on a special occasion such as their son’s birthday.

    If you have messages for or concerns about your son, please call the office. If you would like more on your son's experience, one of our wonderful office staff will speak with your son's counselor/Head Counselor and organize a call back with that person to give you a detailed update.

    If you'd like to speak to infirmary staff, see phone number below:

    Office — 828.884.2414
    Infirmary — 828.884.2428

  • Communication While at Camp

    Emails are sent by you via CampInTouch. We print these emails out every day at 10 am to give to the campers at lunch. Emails, word games, photo attachments, and stationery each cost 1 CampStamp. If you add stationery or a word game, they will not show up until you "preview" your Email. Emails are limited to 50 lines. Stationery and word games further limit the amount of lines you can type. Please make sure to add any stationery or word games BEFORE you start writing your email as if you do so after, your email letter may be cut off.

    eLetters are handwritten responses from your camper. You receive these as an email. eLetters from your camper do not cost any CampStamps. eLetters offers an easy way for campers to communicate with you. Each page of eLetter stationery has a unique, printed barcode for your camper. 

    You can provide eLetter stationery in two ways:
    •Send an "eLetter stack" with your camper before he leaves home. You can print a stack of eLetter stationery (up to 20 individual pages at a time) in your CampInTouch account.  
    •Attach an eLetter reply request to your email to your camper.

    *Your camper needs to complete their eLetters in PEN to be legible for the scanning process. We recommend NOT sending pencils to camp.

    CampStamps are used to send emails to your child. 1 CampStamp = 1 email. You can also use your CampStamps to attach stationery and word games to your email. CampStamp packages are available for purchase with a credit card on CampInTouch. CampStamps rollover from year to year.


    We have an amazing Photo/Video Team at Camp Carolina. They’re out every single day snapping photos of in-camp activities and out-of-camp trips, editing and uploading professional photos for you to see our day at camp!

    We do our best to take a photo of every camper each day. If you don’t see your camper in a photo for 24 hours, it just means they are on an amazing adventure! We offer lots of out-of-camp trips and countless different activities. Although our Photo/Video team would like to be, they can not be everywhere at once.

    In the photo section of CampInTouch, please click on the “About Photos” section to find out more about all the options available to you. You are able to mark your favorite pictures, email any photo for free to your friends/family, download a hi-res copy and purchase prints. Please note that if you choose to buy a hi-res photo, it will download to whatever your download folder is on your computer. 

    Campanion App for Photos
    In the Campanion App, photos are FREE!

    You can view photos under Stream or Photos. You can also add photos to your Favorites.

    Using facial recognition, the Campanion App sifts through thousands of photos from camp to deliver photos tagged specifically with your child in them.

    To see videos from the summer, please click on the Videos section of CampInTouch. The most recent video will always automatically load.

    CampInTouch Guest Accounts
    You are able to invite your own guests, so they too can have the ability to view photos and videos and email your child.

    We hope CampInTouch gives you the feeling of being a part of the Camp Carolina experience! If you still have any questions after looking through all the Photo/Video and communication options, go to the “Help” section in the top right corner or contact Camp Minder support 1-303-444-2267 x3.

  • Food at Camp

    At Camp Carolina, we love meal times! We serve hot and cold breakfasts via buffets and cereal bars. Lunch and dinner are served family style with help from our Counselor Assistants. At lunch and dinner there are two huge salad bars, and peanut butter & jelly stations (these are facilitated by kitchen staff, to eliminate cross-contamination) and we cater to all dietary requirements for each meal and dessert.

    We source local ingredients wherever possible–below are a few of our notable food vendors:

    Hickory Nut Gap
    100% grass fed beef and pasture raised pork provided by a network of regional farmers focused on regenerative agriculture practices.

    Mountain Food Products
    Locally sourced conventional and organic produce (defining local as within 100 miles of Asheville).

    Lindley Mills
    100% Organic non-GMO flour milled in Graham, NC. We only use the best flour for our Camp Carolina bakery team.

    Bread + Desserts
    We make bread products and desserts from scratch. From our sandwich bread, pizza dough, and our Thursday morning croissants, to our daily desserts and birthday cakes, nearly everything is made in-house with high quality ingredients.

    Our incredibly hard working 20-person kitchen team work shifts from early in the morning until evening to ensure the quality of the meals we are sending out is of a high standard. We routinely check in with the campers and staff to get feedback on favorite meals.

    Stay Classy Dinner
    At the end of each of our 3 + 4 week sessions (First Session, Main Session, and Third Session) we have a fancy sit-down dinner for our campers before the Final Campfire. Campers and staff are encouraged to dress up and the kitchen staff really gets to shine, preparing only the fanciest food. Don’t be surprised if your camper comes home requesting Roasted Duck for dinner!

  • Trunk Info

    Looking for a trunk? See below for contact information 

    Trunk Outlet has a variety of trunks, including the Rhino Trunk which is waterproof, dent-proof, scratchproof, and 20% lighter than the steel trunks! 

    Visit Trunk Outlet or Rhino Trunks for the best selection. 

    We recommend hard sided trunks that are standard size which is 32”x18”x14”.  The length can not exceed 32".  The height and width can vary.

    There is also the option of putting the camp logo on the trunk, or your son's name. The trunks DO NOT go under the boy's beds so any height will work! The campers will store their clothes in their trunk while at camp. Above their trunk will be shelves for sheets, towels, etc.

    Shipping your trunk?

    Yes! You can ship your trunk to and from camp through the Brevard UPS store. Under Forms & Documents in your camper's CampInTouch account, you will find a UPS registration form. Upon completion and successful submission of that form, you will receive a confirmation email to the address provided.

    A Few FAQ's

    1. If I have multiple campers, do I have to fill out multiple forms?

    Yes, to keep communication as clear as possible, we ask that you submit a form for each camper.

    2. What do shipments usually cost?

    19x19x36 85lb Trunk going to Miami $119 vs. Beverly Hills $155

    16x16x16 15lb Box going to Miami $32 vs. Beverly Hills $58

    3. How do I get my trunk to camp?

    Have a shipping label generated by The UPS Store of Brevard and save 10% on your total for shipping to camp and back home. Print your label from the email sent by the Brevard store and affix to you boxed trunk or duffel. A unique label is needed for each item being shipped to camp. Call 1-800-PICKUPS to schedule a pick up from your home, or bring the trunk to your local UPS Store. Don't have a box? see next question.

    4. What if I don't have a box?

    Bring your trunk to your local UPS Store and pay for them to "telescope" two 16, 18, or 20 cube boxes. This way your items are protected against loss and damage. The UPS Store of Brevard will pack items for return shipment unless requested otherwise.

    5. Do I have to box my trunk/suitcase/duffel?

    We strongly recommend boxing all your items. Items not boxed on their way to camp are not eligible for reimbursement of lost or damaged goods. Un-boxed Items also incur additional charges and fees because they are treated as irregular shaped items by UPS.

    6. When does my trunk need to be shipped?

    As a general rule, we recommend sending your trunk at least 7-10 days prior to the camp start date. Time in transit is entirely dependent upon where you live in relation to the camp.

    7. When will I be charged?

    You will not be charged until your items have been picked up and are processed for shipment to your home. Any applicable discounts will be applied at that time. A receipt for charges will be included as a packing slip on items shipped. If for whatever reason payment does not go through, items will be held until full payment is received.

    8. When will items be delivered at home?

    For most sessions ending on a Friday, items are packed over the weekend and in transit by Monday or Tuesday, depending on session volume. Most families receive their trunk by Thursday or Friday of the week following the session end date.


  • Technology

    We are proudly a "tech-free camp." We believe in the importance of children taking a break from their technology and especially social media. We love for our community to experience the simplicity of life that a summer at Camp Carolina can provide. Taking a break from phones, video games and tablets provides campers with the opportunity to improve communication, social skills, and strategies for emotional regulation while developing lifelong friendships and experiencing the thrill of high adventure.

    We look forward to having an awesome summer where we are all "plugged in" to the connections we are making at Camp Carolina!

    These are not allowed at CCB–
    •Smart watches
    •Tablets (iPads)
    •Portable games (Nintendo Switches)
    •E-readers (Kindles)
    •Digital audio devices
    •Digital video camera devices

  • Counselor to Camper Ratios

    Our camper-staff ratios at CCB are kept low to ensure safety, top quality instruction and create a personal and friendly environment.

    Cabin Ratios

    Kindergarten - Completed 5th Grade boys have a ratio of 2 counselors to every 6 campers

    Completed 6th Grade boys and older have a ratio of 2 counselor to 8 campers


    Trip Ratios

    All trips that leave camp property have a maximum ratio of 1:7 with a fully qualified Wilderness First Responder additionally present. All aquatic based trips will have either a qualified American RedCross Lifeguard or Swift Water Rescue Technician.

  • Additional Charges


    UPS (Optional)

    If you want the ease of driving/flying into camp with his luggage already in the cabin, you can ship his trunk, duffle and/or paddle to us and we will organize its return after the session. Prices are determined by the United Parcel Service. 


    If you decide to fly your son to camp, there is a fee for picking up your son up at the Asheville Regional Airport (AVL) or the Greenville-Spartanburg Airport (GSP). Please see the TRANSPORTATION tab above.


  • How Do I Contact Camp Carolina?

    OR CALL 828-884-2414

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