HI, I'm Haydn from Durham,UK. I'm really looking forward to coming back to CCB for my third summer and can't wait to see all the new and old faces. Last summer I spent a lot of the time around the lake and enjoyed every moment of it. I can't wait to be back this summer!! What are you most proud of/biggest achievement in life so far?:
My biggest achievements come from waterpolo with being apart of the England talent squad to winning national championships with my local team. What is your favourite hobby/sport/thing to do during your free time?:
A lot of my free time is spent playing my favourite sport waterpolo. I play for my local team Sedgefield Waterpolo Club. I always look forward to training and matches to see my teammates as we always have fun. What is your favourite thing about working with children?:
I love how energetic and enthusiastic kids are. They can turn your bad day into one of the best days and they will always take you out your comfort zone and to try new things. What impact are you most excited to make this year at CCB?:
Making sure everyone is safe especially around the lake but making sure the kids can still have the most fun. What goal or camp philosophy do you really want your campers to learn this summer?:
To try as many activities and trips as they can as most of the trips and activities can only be done at CCB with the best trained staff.