Hello, my name is Juanca, I am from Colombia and this year I will be joining you for the fourth time at CCB, to build magnificent works of art and maximize all that creativity. I can't wait to live this wonderful experience again.
I enjoy reading, drawing, and exploring new forms of art. I also enjoy spending time practicing sports like mountain biking, swimming, running, and exploring nature. I am excited to continue growing as an artist, as a person, and exploring new opportunities and challenges at CCB. What are you most proud of/biggest achievement in life so far?:
I am proud to have been elected as a student representative at my university and have been able to lead various initiatives within it. I have also been able to start my educational and cultural project where I aim to achieve self-recognition of ethnic communities through art. What is your favorite hobby/sport/thing to do during your free time?:
My favorite pastimes is painting, going for a run in the mornings, reading books of universal literature and self-help, traveling, studying the history and geography of the places I visit, and learning about the cultures around the world. What is your favorite thing about working with children?:
it's amazing how children can see the world, their perspective teaches us to appreciate the little things that exist and value every situation. They are always exploring the world and learning from it.
For me, children are the best teachers. I have learned a lot from them and have also been able to impart some of my teachings to them. I feel that working with children makes me grow both professionally and personally in an exponential way and I will be grateful for that for the rest of my life. What impact are you most excited to make this year at CCB?:
As counselors, we have the great responsibility to educate, accompany, and support each of the children on their journey through ccb in a patient, responsible, and empathetic manner. The most important thing is to continue leaving a little bit of my culture and my being in each of the children. When we manage to positively impact lives, those same individuals will continue to impact others in the same way. What goal or camp philosophy do you really want your campers to learn this summer?:
For me is really important that We can enjoy life in every moment and every instant, valuing from the smallest to the biggest things. It is very important that we live in the present and be open to learning from every person around us and every situation we experience. It is important that we can always be supportive and empathetic with our colleagues and be ready to help others. I believe that teamwork is key to making everything work positively.